
Wavenet Nimbus

The simple and secure solution for sharing your school’s data with third party applications.

Nimbus Sync

Synchronise data from your MIS with Google Workspace and/or Microsoft Office 365.

Keep Google Workspace up-to-date automatically

Your Google Workspace for Education accounts, classrooms and groups are kept up-to-date with your school's MIS data.

Automate your Office 365 setup and management

With automated account, groups and Teams management, Wavenet Nimbus saves time.

Why choose Wavenet Nimbus?

Wavenet Nimbus provides a simple and secure portal for sharing your school’s or MAT's data with third party applications. With complete visibility and control over what information is shared, it makes synchronising data easy through automation. Nimbus Sync, the first product released in the Wavenet Nimbus product family, enables your school to synchronise data with Google and/or Microsoft with a single yearly subscription.

Time Saving

Your accounts are updated automatically saving hours of admin time. When a new starter joins, their account is automatically created. When someone leaves, their account is automatically disabled.

MIS Support

We integrate with the leading management information systems (MIS) used in over 98% of schools in England. This includes Capita SIMS, RM Integris and ScholarPack.


All data is encrypted and can only be accessed by those approved by your school. You also have control over what data is accessible to third parties, ensuring they only have access to the data they need.


Our pricing is simple, transparent and competitive. Nimbus Sync is just £395 per year for primary schools and £595 for secondary schools.

Get Started Today!

With Wavenet Nimbus you can take control of your school's or MAT's data whilst simplifying and saving time.

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